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The Gift of the Magi

The word “magi” (plural for magus in Latin and Old Persian) denotes a follower of Zoroastrianism. The Greeks considered Zoroaster to be the founder of astrology, alchemy, magic, and other forms of esoteric knowledge, hence the word, magician. So who were the Magi? Kings, wise men, magicians, or astrologers? Perhaps all of these. Most certainly they bore precious gifts to the Christ child. In the spirit of the Magi, I wanted to offer you, my reader, a gift. And that gift is what my practice and craft as an Evolutionary Astrologer has given me.

It is part of our human condition to look “out there” and think we are separate from that which we see. In our forgetfulness and ignorance, we blame that which is happening outside of ourselves for our misfortune or conversely, our happiness. I certainly have not been immune to the same fate. But as synchronicity would have it, the entrance of Saturn into Libra in July, 2010 was the opportunity to grant me liberation. At the same time, I began studying Evolutionary Astrology with my mentor, Steven Forrest.

As Saturn entered Libra I began my journey of the lesson of the mirrored self. In other words, that which I saw externally was simply a reflection of my own state of consciousness. What I attracted to me had a resonance with my level of self-awareness, and what I needed to learn. I began to learn that blame, gossip, anger and resentment were simply a way to avoid looking at myself. It took time…practice, practice, practice. And slowly my world began to shift by taking responsibility for my own thoughts, emotions and actions.

Simultaneously, I voraciously devoured astrology. By understanding a person’s natal chart, I began to see  each one had a unique soul path. I began to see people less as personalities that irritated me, and more as individual souls, each struggling to evolve in the best way they knew how. Most of all, as I began to understand and have compassion for myself, those qualities grew as understanding and empathy for others. I began to reflect love in the mirror of the world within and outside myself.

Someone once told me, “In the end, all we have are our stories.” Once tempted to judge, I now hear the richness of the soul stories each person has to tell. I believe we all have something to learn from each other, and teachers appear when we least expect it.

One week ago I was in Stockton, CA. The media would have us believe it is a horrible place to live, filled with gang violence and frequent shootings. But I keep my eyes wide open for the angels. My path crossed two people. The first a waitress in a diner, and the second, a homeless man riding a bicycle. The waitress, who by first look could have been mistaken for a gang member, had a tattoo on her upper left arm. As I could not read it clearly, I asked for a closer look. It said:

“The bravest thing I ever did was live when I wanted to die”

No stranger to thoughts of suicide myself, and family members who have experienced the same, we had a conversation about what we both have been through. Partially because I was able to suspend my initial judgment, we found a common bond, and a ground of being for relating, albeit for only a few minutes. She may never know what an impact she had on me that day just by sharing her story. But I most certainly am grateful.

The homeless man, pedaling along with all of his earthly belongings in a milk crate strapped to his bicycle, looked like a fish monger on his way home from an ancient Asian marketplace. He wore a shabby leather jacket, his feet in flip-flops in the dead of a cold, winter day. On the back of his jacket, stenciled white in bold, block letters like a human sandwich board, it read:


Again, another angel who may never know the impact on my soul. A reminder to walk my talk, and take action, instead of simply giving lip service.

So here is my gift. In just a few days we will celebrate the Winter Solstice. Exact on December 21, 2015 at 08:48 PM PST, the Sun returns for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. This time of year has a spiritual significance that is rooted in astrology. All holidays we celebrate during the time of the Winter Solstice revolve around the return of the Sun, or the light.

Know for you it is also the return of your light. For the 72 hour period surrounding this point of stillness, reflect on the light you are, and what light you have to bring to humanity, our Earth Mother and all her inhabitants. In a world fraught with anger and violence, and the cheap goods of hatred and xenophobia are hawked by would be carnival barkers in the guise of 7th grade bullies on a playground, look for the angels. Suspend your judgment. Find the common thread that links you hearts and souls. Listen to their stories. Find the love that connects us all. And reach out and tell those angels just how much it meant for you when they appeared. That is my commitment for the coming year.

Many brilliant blessings to you and yours for a joyous holiday season and the New Year!

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